Sunday 5 July 2009

Allow yourself……

Last Thursday we went to the 2nd Pecha-Kucha in Johannesburg. The theme was “Creativity in Johannesburg – dead or alive” and by the time the presentations finished I don’t think there was anyone in that auditorium who could say was Creativity dead in this amazing city – it’s very much alive and kicking! The presentations were creative, formative and showed the funny, quirky side of Johannesburg that we sometimes take for granted or miss completely.

But now, here’s the thing. When we went into the auditorium, there was lively chatter, laughter and waving to friends and colleagues. Then everything became quiet and sort of serious. And once the speakers began their presentations you could have heard a pin drop… The first presenters showed us some amazing concrete projects in Johannesburg parks and street corners that are multi purpose for sitting on, leaning against, just looking at, chilling out –they are really interesting and the guys were also showing some really funny photo’s of these bits of sculpture and no-one laughed until they were well into their show….... then someone let out a deep chuckle and that set the ball rolling.

By the time the next guy came on we had all warmed up our chuckle and laughter boxes and we let out some belly laughs, sounds of appreciation, sounds of enjoyment, sounds that the talks were resonating with us. One of the guys rapped-talked through his presentation – it was pure poetry and when the cadence of his words spread to each of us you could see the heads moving gently and bodies begin to sway in the seats. It was magic and we all mumbled the chorus lines with him – wow, were we all connected at that moment.

And so now what, you might ask, is the point I want to make?

The point is that we all too often don’t allow ourselves to let go, lighten up and just get out a good old belly laugh, a chuckle, hell – even a quiet chuckle. We don’t show our enjoyment. Do we think that if we show our enjoyment of something we may be judged by someone who has a different opinion about what is going on? Well so what. Enjoyment is infectious and spreads - like Happiness. Do you really care what some old misery, or even worse, some supposed expert, thinks? Don’t hold back – show your enjoyment.

Allow yourself to enjoy the movie, the concert, the comedian, the painting, the music…… and remember we don’t all have to like the same thing. It doesn’t mean you or them are wrong.

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