Saturday 29 August 2009

Falling off the Tai Chi Wagon

Some of the world’s greatest bloggists say you must never bog about your pets or you kids. So flying in the face of conventional wisdom I have to use my cat Bracken to tell this story….

She (the cat) waits for me when I go out – not during the day but at night. It breaks my heart to see this little thing charging down the drive way like a startled bambi in snow, sleet and rain (and good weather). The idea of this charge is to jump into the opened car door and have a little drive to the garage. But very often, especially in good weather, Bracken is easily distracted and stops to roll in a nice bit of sand, sniffs an interesting leaf or rubs her face on the open door… quite forgetting why she has stayed up all night (well, part of it) and forgetting that I am getting a tad impatient whilst she does cat things. I often end up getting out and scooping her up, pop her in the car and off we go….. so why am I telling you this?

Because I have been distracted and not focusing on something that is really important to me, makes me very happy, something I really enjoy and something that is so good for my health. Tai Chi. I have been bunking classes, finding some very lame excuses to miss class and accepting invitations that I could so easily push out by a half hour so I can still do Tai Chi and the invitation. I have been distracted…. Like Bracken… forgetting why I do Tai Chi. Since I had a hip replacement* nearly 4 years ago I can do full flat footed squats which I could never do before – even when I was young and trim. My back doesn’t ache, I feel energized and generally great and at peace with the world. I don’t have to swallow anti-inflammatories like smarties, I love seeing my Tai Chi friends…… and one class a week doesn’t do it. I will, next week, climb back on the Tai Chi wagon ….. and fight my way back to the front row of the class.

The lesson here…. It is so easy to fall off the wagon. Getting back onto it (wagons are quite high)is not so easy – so be determined, get back into the habit. You’ve done it before - like giving up smoking, gym, running, no boozing, dieting, eating well, writing every day etc etc…. OK, she tell herself.... enough already. Just climb back on!

*In case you are wondering why I had the hip-replacement. I got arthritis due to trauma. I believe the trauma occurred some years ago when I fell off an elephant - we had been out riding for a couple of hours and I dozed off (lost focus????) sitting on top of this whopping great beast and wham.

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