I love Christmas and I love my birthday – both are great days to celebrate and spend time with family and friends.
But these events are coming around faster and faster and Christmas this year seems to have arrived 2 months after the start of the year – if that makes sense! This year has whooshed by and I don’t believe I am the only one to think so.
Chris Smith of The Naked Scientist fame had this to say when asked if time is actually going faster, if 24 hours isn’t 24 hours anymore (and I take a great deal of liberty paraphrasing what he said): Nope…it isn’t going faster but we think it is…and why? Maybe because we just do things faster these days; we have email – instant letters whereas before they took a week to get to us and a week to reply – now we reply within minutes or at least within 24 hours. We have cell phones – always in touch and communicating…voice, text and so on. We can fly all over the world and get to our destination quickly and relatively easily. Our cars are faster (and better roads), trains are faster…we have 24 hour TV and radio; we get news of what is happening around the world almost as soon as it happens. We don’t wait for anything anymore – we order books on line and now we can also just down load them off the internet, if we want to look up anything (research, find out) we just Google it. The shops are always open; we have easy credit (no saving for anything)……..everything is instant.
This means that we can actually do a lot more – and this give us the feeling that time is flying…everything goes really fast.
Is this good for us – well who knows. I for one, like/love all the benefits of the stuff listed above and am not quite sure how I (and all of us I guess) would manage without it…imagine no cell phones – yikes?
But it is tiring, and this year has left me shaking my head and wondering how I got to another Christmas so quickly – I can intellectualise all of Chris Smiths reasons but emotionally I cant….it has all happened too quickly.
I haven’t done an E card yet, I haven’t written a Christmas letter of my goings on this year, I haven’t even put up decorations yet – all I have is a little stylised ceramic statue of Mary & Josef holding baby Jesus (Baby Jesus looking remarkably like a pea-pod) and when I light the little candle inside, black smoke comes out of the star cut-out on Josef’s head – it is quite alarming! But tonight I am putting up all the lights and tinsel and glass balls…..Santa must be tempted to visit our household.

And so everyone, I take this time to wish you all a wonderful and love-filled Christmas-time….
Blessings to you all.
PS. If you want to see the very best Christmas wish ever go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzxkNRvujiw&feature=share
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