Good reads:
I have been catching up on my reading since getting back from Spain….
Ape House by Sara Gruen (she wrote Water for Elephants) – interesting and based on real research done in the US on teaching apes to use sign language.
The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein: Written in a dog’s voice….and a clever one at that who doesn’t try to be cute by referring to a car as a kennel on wheels or stupid stuff like that. There are lots of feel good messages in the book...but not rammed down your throat. Although I haven’t quite finished the book I kinda know that I am going to shed a few tears at the end…a really enjoyable read.
Recessional for Grace by Marguerite Poland: One of the little reviews on the back page says of this book…’an achingly beautiful exploration of biography, folklore and lost love.’ And I so whole heartedly agree…this is an exquisite book, a story that unfolds that you never want to end. The author is a local lass who co-authored The Abundant Herds: A celebration of Nguni Cattle. And you can almost smell and feel the beautiful Ngunis in Recessional for Grace…and you can see the landscapes. Her descriptions are so well written and economically written – she doesn’t waste a word…. Thanks to Stella in my book-club for this one.
Vanilla Velvet:
I found this on the shelf in Pick ‘n Pay where they have the Ultramel custard. Vanilla Velvet is made by First Choice (the long life milk people) and I have a feeling they might also make Chocolate Velvet. This stuff is sinful, decadent and you will never use plain old cream or custard again…..exceptionally yummy and fortunately doesn’t have too much fat..or at least not as much as cream. You would still have to do 3 laps round the block if you over indulge.
The Tax Season:
Now that this is over we can all rest easy and enjoy any refunds received…some luckier than others in this regard. I have to put SARS at the top of my list for good service…and especially as it has such good manners. Today I received an SMS thanking me for submitting my tax return in good time….isn’t that nice.
Getting More Awesome (from Lisa’s Blog) This is especially for those of you who live your lives a little differently to the norm:
As you know, FEAT Canada took place in Vancouver on 15 November. One of the speakers, Jen Olsen, is a mountain guide - one of only seven female internationally certified mountain guides in the World.
Her FEAT talk is online and in her talk she mentions facing her 40th birthday in a few weeks and she adds, "I've been feeling devastated about not having a husband, kids or a pension plan".
She then refers to a quote she saw on Facebook that goes: "Everyone I know if getting married or pregnant... I'm just getting more awesome."
Right on, Jen. I can relate (not about being devastated about not having a husband or children, but that there's a spate of marriages and pregnancies).
Here's to awesomeness!
First: I have decided to boycott restaurants that don’t have tablecloths or little place mats (paper will do). I have watched in horror as the waiter wipes the tabletop with a grim looking cloth which leaves little greasy trails all over the surface – not just once but many times. In Europe, in the smallest, tiniest cafĂ© or restaurant, they put a new, pristine paper cloth or mat on the table for each new patron…Why, oh why can’t they do this here…There has to be a business opportunity here for someone methinks.
Second: Why oh why do you get forgotten about in a restaurant…I went out to dins with my sister-in-law Marie-Jose, friend Judy and Lisa last night. We had taken the trouble to make a reservation because the webpage said it was an excellent restaurant and the various and recent reviews had given the place 5 stars. Liars! Anyway, after waiting for more than hour for our food – we were nearly eating the tablecloth and had even begged for a snack or something….…Judy leapt up and said she was throwing in the towel so we all followed her lead and charged off to the desk to pay for our drinks; the guys at the desk were really upset with us and they said they had been busy….been busy? Yes, but what about us? No, they were doing our food now but we said we didn’t want it anymore…..and left. Went to an Ocean Basket at the local mall and got a great fish and chip meal, great service and icy, icy cold wine, had a great deal of fun and the meal was very reasonable.
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