Saturday 20 August 2011

August Bits and Pieces

Finding closure

I am often puzzled by this expression. It is usually trotted out by people who have little or nothing to do with the grieving person/family. Things are said like: they must have the funeral soon so they can find closure, they must find out what happened so they can find closure and my very best is: it has been 3 months and they still haven’t found closure……they must find closure! I understand the expression but remain puzzled that there is this pressing need that people find closure (so soon/quickly) and they just have to find closure. Whatever happened to the mourning process? Just because the post-mortem has been done or funeral conducted it doesn’t mean that everything immediately gets back to normal and all is hunky dory again.

Good Read

I am reading a fascinating book called Country Driving – A Chinese Road Trip by Peter Hessler. I have nearly finished this 550 page whopper about life in China. Peter Hessler is an American journalist and has lived in China for quite a long time, is fluent in Mandarin and tells a good story. Why is it fascinating? It gives a pretty good snapshot of the Chinese psyche and provides a fascinating story of how China has developed into the economic force it is today …..and a fascinating insight into the drive and energy of the people.

The First Green Tree

I drive down Roberts Avenue (eventually turns into Commissioner Street) every morning on my way to work. A long section of the road is lined with beautiful oak trees. There is one little oak tree along the way (badly pruned to smallness or just a baby tree?) that has sent out all its bright green new leaves – almost as if the large oaks have bullied it into testing the weather before they produce their new leaves.

And on this subject: Yeah…thank goodness spring/summer is nearly here…enough of the cold weather.

Senior Moment

Not me… little cat Bracken (16 and a bit years) had a senior moment the other day. On our way back from our daily walk she got distracted, I didn’t notice and carried on – turned the corner and when I got home I realised she wasn’t following me. I waited a little bit and then decided to go and find her. She was sitting at the pathway to another house – and if a cat can look anxious, she looked anxious. I called her and when she saw me she was delighted and ran to me. I think she just forgot for a moment where she was…..

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