Tuesday 17 August 2010


Something popped up on Facebook from my friend Brian Goddard – and I am always keen to see what he has to say. On facebook Brian often provides that gentle reminder about issues, like cancer awareness, that have at one stage or another affected all of us.
So the other day I saw this posting from Brian about depression – he was supporting Depression Awareness Week and he commented that he had been there and done that particular T shirt. Other people commented (mostly men) that they too had got that T shirt and never, ever wanted to get another one. Lots of people had hit the “Like” button, as did I.
I have been feeling that I should have commented but I can’t find the posting now; this has been niggling me. And anyway, facebook doesn’t give me enough space to do justice to this subject…so here’s what I have to say:
I am not talking about the blues, I am not talking about waking up in the morning thinking “gosh, I feel a bit off today, a bit flat…not quite myself” or even feeling like that for a few days. I am talking about wishing you had never woken up at all – every day. I am talking about when depression (or anxiety – or both) is so overwhelming that your quality of life, your relationships with the people around you and at work is such that you battle to get through the day or cant get through the day. I am talking about not being able to make even the smallest decision and that you always feel you are taking 3 steps backwards. I am talking about feeling your life is absolutely not right and you are unable to fix it. Depression and anxiety can be hugely debilitating on you and those around you.
But depression is one of those conditions that we seldom speak about, let alone publicly admit to. When I worked in the medical industry we would get stats from various medical aids showing the spend on pharmaceuticals – Top of the pops along side hypertension meds was the catch all term anti-depressants. So, I can safely assure you that you are not alone out there.
I guess there are a number of reasons we don’t talk about it…sure we might say something along the lines of “I find this so depressing” or “I am so depressed about xyz”. But this isn’t the big D. We all, on occasion, have to face challenges…heck people die, we move house, country, and change jobs, we have a lot on our plates at the same time – all those things happen. They are stressful and cause anxiety but mostly, we get through it, can cope and we move on. Sometimes, though, these things weigh far too heavily and this, together with some strange chemical reaction (speak to a doctor) in our bodies triggers a major depression…the kind mentioned above when you don’t want to wake up again.
I know of people who have been fired from their jobs for non-performance – and I know they were depressed! Only after they were fired did they go to the doctor to get some help…and then everyone said “Ag shame, he is so depressed because he was fired”. He was depressed before he was fired!
Depression is a medical condition – and it can be treated. There are heaps of people out there who do actually understand this….and they can help you. I heard a very wise man once talk about depression as being the result of a “psychological accident” – emotional, physiological and environmental stresses that all happen at the same time. It happens, and it can happen to you.
Why do we find it so hard to admit to ourselves that we are depressed? And why do we find it so hard to get help? I’ll tell you something….I once told someone I was on anti-depressants and you know what my good friend said “Gosh, I always thought you were so strong”. How about that! I was rendered speechless and felt relegated to the ranks of the weak and feeble. I decided not to “defend” myself. I mean, why should I…. I don’t have to defend my under active thyroid condition do I?
I must also tell you about Jon Bon Jovi. Some time ago he had a major depressive episode – that’s why you never heard any new songs from him for quite a long time. He’s quite open about it and I can just hear everyone say “Wow, fame, fortune, women throwing themselves at him…he’s got everything….what’s he got to be depressed about….he’s a rock star for God’s sake?” Well, sometimes these things happen….sometimes that little depression switch is thrown in our bodies and wham bam….
So let’s talk about diagnosis and treatment…..
You know if you are depressed. Your doctor will know if you are depressed. And so will those close to you or they will be skirting around the issue and saying things like “maybe you should see someone”.. So if someone says to you that maybe you are depressed don’t snap their head off or say firmly, almost aggressively “I’m fine…there’s nothing wrong with me, I know what I am doing….what the heck do you know anyway?” Hmmmm see what I mean. And nor do you need to tell your friends and family that the Doctor says you are depressed…like you’re the surprised party in all this – like you didn’t know….one of the best things to do is take charge of depression and “own” it….then you can start getting better.
The Natural Route
There are heaps of treatments so let’s start with the natural remedies that you can buy off the shelf at Clicks or Dischem. St John’s Wort is the favourite and comes from a little yellow flowered plant and promises to cure. You will get about 1.8million results if you Google St John’s Wort. Lots of stuff there so it is quite difficult to know if it is effective or not…but it does seems that the chemical in SJW – hypericum is quite effective with mild depression so that will make the “natural way” advocates smile….although conclusive trials, as I understand it, have not been conducted yet. But…it does seem though that the chemical hypericum reacts adversely with some prescription drugs and renders them ineffective (eg oral contraceptives)…so for goodness sake check with your doctor before swallowing SJW. The one thing that puts me off SJW is that its efficacy is inhibited if you eat cheese and drink wine whilst on this drug….my favourite source of protein and carbs!…But if these natural drugs and chemicals are not working then do yourself a favour and go see a doctor.
The “Hard Core” Drugs Route
This is the route that most people have a problem with. I have heard comments like “I am supposed to take one tablet a day but I only take half so I don’t mess up my body” says she puffing on a fag and swigging from a glass of vodka. And in the next breath says “they don’t work and make me feel funny”. Well go figure….
There is a whole new generation of drugs out there now. Side effects are minimal and if the drug is not working for you, you can actually discuss this with your doctor and move onto something else….yes you can!
But let’s, just for a minute, go back to the pollution of your temple (body) with chemicals especially when it comes to anti-depressants, anti anxiety and anti psychotic drugs. Please be consistent in rationalising why you won’t take anti-depressants and consider everything else you take…for hypertension, chemotherapy and smoking, drinking, HRT, viagra, caffeine, Wimpy tomato sauce, panado and asprin…..they are all chemicals, and “foreign” to your body/temple….. so again…go figure.
Getting Better
My favourite course of action for any illness is to visit my doctor asap and get treated. I once nearly knocked my gynae’s block off when he prescribed Evening Primrose Oil for me….I wanted “drugs”, something that would make me feel better ..now. I demand treatment from a doctor….If your doctor wont listen then find another one…ask a friend for a referral…you don’t owe a doctor any loyalty…you pay him/her to make you better.
The first step in getting better is to admit there is a problem. The second step is to take that big step and go and see a doctor. The third step is to take your nearest and dearest into your confidence – you have no idea how relieved they will be. People feel helpless and frustrated that they cannot help you… Relationships take a pounding so be responsible and don’t make things worse by sucking it up and saying you can handle it whilst all around you the wheels are falling off everything and everyone. Going onto treatment wont instantly make you happy – in fact don’t be misled here….the opposite of depression is not happiness. The opposite is “not being depressed”. Don’t think you will be running around laughing and smiling – especially if that’s not what you normally do. You will feel better on treatment; the storm clouds will lift and you will be able to cope. And over a period of time you will feel just like your old self – whatever that may be!
And yes…I’ve been there and got that T shirt many times and it is not nice.

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