Initially I thought I would write a year-end blog about my 2009 and after spending a few hours pounding away on the keyboard I decided that it was getting very, very heavy; and whilst I thought my musings very, very profound you might not have the same feelings I have filed it in a safe place.
Rather, I thought I would say this instead:
Thank you:
The first Happiness Soup Blog went out on the 11th January 2009 and I have written 79 blogs this year....Yes, that is more than one a week! A really big thank you to everyone who has written to me about a particular blog, to those who have challenged me on certain points - I have thoroughly enjoyed our interactions and to all of you who read my blogs.... and say you enjoy them. Thank you.
What did we do before?:Facebook: I have been on FaceBook for 6 months or so now.... I love it, I am not the most active person at posting stuff but I love reading the various posts from family and friends. And I just love the way you can find and be found by old friends.
Satellite Tracking: Whilst Lisa was racing in Abu Dhabi the other day I was able to follow the race via their satellite tracking system. I can now yell instructions to her like: "turn right, right", "left, left", "why are you going that way?"..... and so on *grin*. But it is so nice to firstly: know that she is moving (= she is OK) and secondly: I can be a spectator albeit from 2 miles up. The blue line (trace) in this picture shows her route in the desert...Her team is No. 033 and you can see where they heading for!
My kind of Rubic Cube:
I am filled with the most profound despair and distress at mans cruelty to animals. I am filled with horror when I read a headline - I cant read the story - about people using live dogs and puppies as sharkbait, at abandoned and mistreated aminals and so on - I cant go on with the list.....
Clouds in the sky:When my daughter was quite small she looked up at feathery clouds in the sky and asked me if "this was the hair of the wind". So today when I saw feathery clouds in the sky I took this photo.
Couragous people:
A number of family and friends, (Gus, Lisa, Chris, Michael, Ros, Jeannie & David) did some amazing things with their careers this year despite the gloom and doom of the recession and predictions of all sorts of unmentionable things happening or that it wouldn't work or wasn't the right time.
My very dear sister-in-law Brenda who handled her breast cancer with great dignity and bravery.
And a couple of very dear elderly gentlemen who have had to also deal with cancer this year and can still make funny jokes.
Lisa has let me have unlimited access to one of her cameras (= she hasn't quite given it to me yet) and I have had great fun reviving my love of photography. Digital is just the best - hundreds/thousands of photos without worrying about the cost of film, developing and printing! This camera has great zooooom functions and the lens can flip 90 degrees which means that when taking pictures of my cat I dont have to necessarily lie on my tummy to get the cat level photo.
In fact I have taken so many photos of her, my cat that is, that I decided to open Bracken (my cat) her own facebook page and post the photos there. Apart from the photos she has quite a large and growing collection of friends and fans.
Chloe Sparkle:Lisa's young cousin and my neice by marriage - it was wonderful to meet Chloe again - we last saw her when she was 3 and she is now 13. She calls herself Chloe Sparkle because she says you just dont know how people manage to mangle de Speville... I do Chloe, I do. But I think her choice of name is so apt....she really does sparkle, is so funny and so bright and intelligent and such a delight to be with. Chloe introduced me to The Twilight series - I have read all 4 books and seen the 2 movies..... and I have become really fond of vampires. In fact I am about to make Twilight Cupcakes for a Christmas market on Saturday.
Family and friends:Blessings on me. I have lovely, amazing friends and family. Thank you. In August we celebrated Grand-mere's 80th birthday and family from all over came to SA. This is the first time Lisa and her cousins have all been together. This photo shows (L to R) Chloe who lives in London, Karine who lives in Paris, Marc who lives in Madagascar and Lisa.
Happiness Thrives:Happiness thrives in all sorts of places - I took this photo of the carry bag I bought from my local Fruit & Veg City this morning.
Politics:I have made a firm resolution - I will not talk or even think about politics any more. It is not good for me. Instead I will make some more of these felt sandwiches - they are non-fattening and keep my mind occupied.

In conclusion:If I think of anything else I promise I will blog about it!
In the meantime, lots of love and happiness to you all, have a wonderful festive season, if you are travelling then travel safely.
Liz xxxx