Monday, 29 June 2009
Great Quote
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
How happy are you?
When I decided to do my own quiz, I didn’t quite know where to start. Happiness is a serious field of study so I went to the websites of Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and Stanford Universities and had a look at their Happiness questionnaires (Yes, they really do study Happiness!). There were hundreds of questions so I consolidated them, divided them into categories and came up with the following list.
I would really love to have your answers – so please email me if you want to. NB: This is a Yes/No quiz and there are no correct answers. Also, if you answer Yes to 50% of the questions it doesn’t mean you are 50% happy!
The general idea of this quiz is to give our awareness a nudge.
I am satisfied with my relationship with my significant other.
I am satisfied with my relationship with my family, friends, and children.
I have a few close friends who I can rely on for emotional support.
I feel that I have enough love in my life.
I feel that I am loved by my significant other and/or children.
I feel that I am loved by my family and friends.
I know and like my neighbours.
I am a member of a group (church, club etc).
Career and Activities:
I am satisfied with the career I am currently in.
I have hobbies or activities that I do for fun on a regular basis.
I express my "creative self" regularly.
I often learn new things, take courses, and increase my knowledge base.
I have set personal goals for myself
I do not have goals that have been on my list for a few years.
I believe I have meaning and purpose in my life.
My Life:
If I could go back in time, I would not change too many things in my past.
My idea of the "perfect life" is close to my present circumstances.
I consider myself more fortunate than most people.
I believe that I am always committed and involved
I feel that I am in control of my life.
I feel that my life is really good.
I feel that I have time to take on anything that comes my way.
I am alert and aware of things going on around me.
I am pleased with the way I am.
I believe I look attractive.
I make decisions easily
Other people:
I am interested in other people
I have fun with other people
I usually feel very warm towards most people
I believe that I am a good influence on people around me
I regularly help other people (outside of your immediate circle).
Health and well being:
I wake up feeling good and rested
I have a lot of energy
I feel healthy
I find a lot of things amusing
I laugh a lot
I have happy memories of the past
I often feel joy and elation.
I find beauty in most things.
The world:
I think the world is a nice place
I feel optimistic about the future
I have left a large tip for a small bill.
I have given something of mine away to a person who admired it.
I sometimes perform anonymous random acts of kindness.
I have given someone money rather than make it a loan.
Monday, 22 June 2009
The Trust Issue
And then the conversation turned to the alarming number of people who don’t have number plates on their cars…. Either front or back or none at all!!!! The main reason for this little trend is to avoid being caught in the speed cameras… I am not sure why they don’t just paint a middle finger pointing skywards in space where the number should be.
I know a couple of people who don’t have number plates and when I raised this with them they just laugh and change the subject. I kinda feel a bit iffy and miffy about this – they are breaking the law and proud of it.
So this is where our conversation led to….how do you like doing business with a person like this? He/she blatantly disregards the “rules” including the speed limit? So how much other dishonest stuff does this guy/gal do?
And then the chat went further and these things were raised:
How much do you trust your business partner/colleague who cheats on his tax? (and don’t say everyone does *grin*)
How much do you trust your business partner/colleague who cheats on his/her life partner? You might have even heard them rattling off a whopping great lie to the person waiting at home.
How much do you trust your business partner/colleague who claims all sorts of stuff on his householders insurance that he didn’t have?
How much do you trust your business partner/colleague who can get you really cheap electronic equipment through a contact who knows about stuff falling off a truck?
This list could be endless. But it makes one think doesn’t it.
Friday, 19 June 2009
Yesterday morning I took my daughter Lisa out for breakfast to celebrate her birthday. We had all sorts of things planned for the day, haircuts, downloading and setting up accounting systems (the downloading took hours so the setting up will happen today); but mostly, in addition to the birthday it was a celebration of the first day of Lisa’s new media company.
While we were munching away on the best eggs Benedict in Bedfordview, I commented to Lisa that she just looked so different; she was glowing and almost vibrating with happiness and good health. This is an extract from the blog she sent out last night: (Note from Liz: I was a child bride *grin*)
"Today I turn the very fine age of 33. I'm also celebrating because I start a new adventure today. I wrapped up my work at PenQuin yesterday and today I am officially working for myself again. So what motivated this move if PenQuin was such a funky company?
Need I say more? Yes, I think I must. All too often when it comes to following our hearts, our ambitions, the things we love, we feel that awful knot of fear in our stomachs and worry about taking that leap…. And leap it is.
You just may have to deal with the “nay sayers”. You have to deal with the people who purse their lips and don’t say a word, you have to deal with the “mother-f*#&ing joy suckers”, and you have to, more often than not, take that giant leap all by yourself.
Doesn’t it make more sense to listen to your friend, partner, offspring, with an open mind and heart? Doesn’t it make more sense to listen and add positive value to someone’s ideas and dreams (unless of course they are totally hair brained!!!). Doesn’t it make sense to support and encourage…… Don't be an automatic "Nay Sayer"!
So, here’s the really great thing…… the response Lisa has had to her new business venture has been overwhelming – She has been blessed with the “Yeah Sayers” and support from so many people, some quite unexpected! She has been meeting with potential clients for the last couple of weeks, she has drawn up some proposals to be finalised today and next week, and she is brimming with great ideas, motivation and energy….. she has found a niche market and has the media contacts and experience to make a huge difference to the smaller organisations and people…. And she just loves what she does!
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Say, "Yes!"
Contributed by: Lisa de Speville -
Last night I watched 'Yes Man' on DVD. It's a Jim Carrey movie (2008) about a guy, who has become withdrawn and depressed since his divorce. He spends his spare time watching DVDs alone in his apartment, ignoring invitations to parties and neglecting his friends. His outlook on life is totally negative.
A friend persuades him to attend the "Yes!" self-improvement seminar (cool appearance by Terence Stamp as the motivational guru). Jim's character, Carl, reluctantly promises to stop being a "No Man" and vows to answer "Yes!" to every opportunity, request or invitation that presents thereafter.
Carl adopts a positive mentality and seizes every opportunity that comes his way. He takes flying lessons, attends Korean language lessons and learns to play the guitar. Saying "yes" constantly works to Carl's advantage. Although there are the obligatory OTT Jim Carrey acting scenes, I liked the theme of this movie. It's a bit like Green Eggs and Ham.
Try things. Do stuff. Saying "YES!" opens doors.
Posted by adventurelisa at 18:40
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
ROI on Relationships
If one person in the relationship doesn’t care as much, believes less in it, doesn’t give the relationship as much time, attention or respect then that relationship probably won’t last long. Someone will get hurt especially when one of the people thinks there is an equal investment
The strongest, most enduring and happiest relationships come about when the investment is equal from both sides.
Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh!" he whispered. "
Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw.
"I just wanted to be sure of you."
~A.A. Milne
Corporate Gear
Ilithuba is making profits on the sale of the garments; the work groups make a small living from their work, allowing them financial independence and the wherewithal to support their families. Tina Craig, who organises the work groups, also markets, does “skirt parties”, finds retail outlets and sells and promotes these very professionally made skirts.
So Jeanne and I decided we needed corporate gear and handed our logos over to Tina…….. Just look at the our amazing skirts: mine of course is Happiness Soup and Jeanne’s is E-tin – Bringing Change Together.
Monday, 8 June 2009
HELP! I need somebody

On Thursday I had a fortuitious meeting with a friend; someone I've known for a few years through sport involvements, albeit not very well. He has had a rough couple of months with a turbulent relationship split, job changes, little exercise and general un-wellbeing.
Help, I need somebody
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And now my life has changed in oh so many ways
Friday, 5 June 2009
Have you ever been in a conversation like this:
You: Hi, how are you
Other person (OP): Fine, and you, how was your holiday
You: I had to go to ……..
OP: London costs a fortune; you should have gone to xyz
You: Yes, but I had to go because ………….
OP: I just went to Brazil and it was very cheap and I had a wonderful time
You: That’s great. I…….
OP: You really should see my travel agent – she has the best deals
You: Thanks, I have a really good person……
OP: I bet my agent can get you a good price to Brazil
You: But I don’t want to go to….
OP: Brazil is the best place to go for a cheap holiday, have you been to etc etc etc etc
The OP in this instance still doesn’t know why you went away; actually where you went and is just not getting it that you don’t want to go to Brazil. Frustrating hey?
So where are you when you have a conversation with someone – where is your focus, your interest? Are you in the same space as that person? What are you thinking about while they’re talking? Are you constantly interrupting with questions, comments, your ideas/thoughts? Think about it – when you walk away from a conversation are you any wiser about that person, their thoughts and ideas? Or have you just been interested in talking about your “stuff”? If you're really interested in the other person then ask your question and Listen to the answers, digest what they have to say; you don’t have to “win” the conversation and for goodness sake stop second guessing what they have to say and telling them what they think/feel/know – let them say it. Shut up, focus and listen! Van Gogh pictures and song