really is something special about boarding that last aircraft for the final leg
home. The trip home from Ireland was long. 8 hours or so from Dublin to Abu
Dhabi, a few hours in the airport there, then another 8 hours odd to
Johannesburg. We flew Etihad which has to be the most pleasant economy class
travel around. You actually have leg room, they feed you continuously and the
list of movies and TV programmes is endless. I hardly sleep on a plane so the
entertainment was great and time passed quickly.

I also
think the Irish have a ‘charming gene’…they are very charming; but it is so
nice to be around charming polite people. Even their drivers are charming and
polite. At a zebra or other pedestrian crossing they stop for you – this took a
bit of getting used to! Driving on the same side of the road as us is a bonus –
they have lots of roundabouts and being on the same side of the road makes this
much easier. (I rode a bike in France and would hold my breath when I had to ‘do’
a roundabout there – quite terrifying!)
Whenever I get
back I tell myself that that is that for the next few years. But already I am
planning my next trip – not sure where yet but Bhutan is quite high on my list.
But in the meantime it is back to work tomorrow…
1. We went on a fabulous walk in the
Burren – a spectacular spot on the west coast. Oliver Cromwell went into Ireland
he said of the Burren (and I para-phrase: there is not enough water to drown them
nor enough trees to hang them and not enough soil to bury them – charming fellow)
2. A huge field of poppies – it was
3. Hanging baskets – I like the cone
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