A couple of years ago I bought a pair of Croc slip slops and I just love them. They are comfortable; I can walk to shops in them, slop through puddles with no fear of spoiling them and do some gardening and hose them down if they are covered in mud.
A month or so ago I was doing some gardening; it started to rain so I left the slops on the front step – they were filthy – and promptly forgot all about them till the next evening when I got back from work. I kicked off my work shoes and tried to slip into the Crocs but my feet wouldn't fit in them….NO WAYS! Either my feet had suddenly grown a lot or slops shrunk. Yip, they shrunk.
I felt a bit miffed so I went onto the Croc website to get the ‘complaint’ contact info and then thought I would check the technical spec for Crocs and, lo and behold, it said (to paraphrase) ‘if you leave your Crocs in extreme heat they will shrink’….Extreme heat – Johannesburg? But they did warn me, albeit on the website. So I wrote to them anyway to tell them how accurate their information was – how true it is and that now I have fairy sized slip slops.
Within 24 hours I had a reply from the manager saying it must have been a really hot day and how they would love to replace them for me – free of charge…. I am now the proud owner of a brand new pair of Croc sandals…lovely!
Fortune Cookies:

Lisa put on a Metrogaine event last week. She always likes to do something special for her events – so for this one she decided to hand out fortune cookies to the participants.
She tracked down a guy who makes fortune cookies for a local Japanese restaurant. Within minutes he h
ad emailed her the prices for plain and chocolate covered ones. He told her she could choose her own fortunes – gave her an Excel template to type up the fortunes and said as soon as she sent this through plus the money she would get her cookies.
On a Thursday morning she sent through the order for 300 chocolate dipped cookies, her list of fortunes and the proof of payment. That same afternoon there was a buzz at the gate and there was the driver with 2 large boxes of cookies! Isn’t that amazing.
Needless to say we ate a few just to check that Lisa’s fortunes were there…yes they were and at the Metrogaine last week everyone enjoyed them…and the fortunes!
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