Dark, dark winter
Is there anything wrong with the colours in this picture (apart from being coloured silk worm cocoons)? No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the colours…in fact they are bright, cheery and pleasing to look at. So, why then, winter after winter after winter after winter do the shops stock clothing in black, grey, brown and beige…and I don’t care how they try to “dress” up the colours as slate, charcoal, sand, camel or whatever; they are still dull, boring black, gray, brown and beige…for goodness sake. And every so often there is a jacket in bright red – if you wear this you will stick out like those ‘art photos’ that just have one colour….or a hideous purple/ maroon; and that awful bilious orange that makes you look jaundiced…not to mention the “turquoise” that looks like someone dumped a can of black in the dye…..very ugly colours….and we get them every winter…Ladies go into the guys shops and check out their lovely colours and prints…..hmmm
My route through Johannesburg CBD
I take quite an interesting route into work everyday…through the centre of Johannesburg. It is quick and easy and I am now fearless when it comes to taxis or malfunctioning traffic lights. I pass 2 brothels, countless building in various stages of decay and really interesting shops…some in the decaying buildings (without water & electricity) and others in refurbished places that look quite nice.
What fascinates me though, are the names of some of the shops – the past couple of days I have made of note of the ones I really enjoy:
Various plays on the Mr Price theme – Mad price, Safe Price, Crazy Price, Fair Price and the best is Sir Price.
A number of pubs/taverns – The Trust Me Tavern, Culture Pub and Current Pub
There is the Curtain Designer & Comfoter, Flower-Visa Wholesales (Dress shop) and the tattoo shop is called The Chronicles. There is also the Ama Photophoto shop and the ‘Global International Importer’. There is even a City Farm (who knows what this is).
The ‘Business Centre, Internet & Saloon’ and the ‘General Dealer, Communications & Take Aways’ will look after all your needs.
But very, very personal favourites are: The Blessed Miracle Wholesaler and Divine Grace Fruit & Veg